Young Entomologist – NEC

Have you observed an insect in a very close distance or using a magnifying glass? And do you know how many species of insects we have on Earth? If you have no idea on how big the world of insects are, you should join our programme namely Young Entomologist.

On 4th May 2019, we will open up the door to insects’ world, and this is totally different from those you usually shouted at.

For beginning, the participant will do insects catching and release activities as well, in order to let you have first-hand experience on catching insects and observing insects’ behaviour, and we will learn how to identify and classify insects by looking at their external characteristics in general as we might found insects that look similar to each other but in fact they are from different species! How to differentiate? Test your eye sharpness to spot the differences.

This will expose the participants on how an entomologist identify the insects by looking at their wing type, the antennae, the legs, diet and etc. in order for them to identify the insects in more details. We will also have a close look on how the insect’s body look using a portable microscope. Together we learn to be an entomologist for a day!

Date : 4th May 2019 (Saturday)
Time : 9.00 am-12.00 pm
Venue : FRIM-MNS Nature Education Centre, FRIM Kepong
Age : 5 years old and above
Cost per person : RM 85.00 for 1st child, RM 65.00 per child for 2nd,3rd, etc. & RM 45.00 per parent

*Fee includes meal, insurance, FRIM entrance fee, activity materials, certificate and MNS facilitators included.

Contact person       :   Ms. Syafiqa Wahaf
Programme Officers
Nature Education Centre FRIM Kepong
Phone: 03-62771703