Young Botanist 2.0 – NEC

Have you ever wonder or imagine what do botanists do? Come and experience it by yourself! “Young Botanist 2.0” programme organized by NEC in this December, is the perfect one for you to join, no matter you are interested to become a botanist or not. Why? Because NEC is located in FRIM area, where it is surrounded by tropical rainforest that various types of plants can be found and makes it a perfect place to discover and study about plants!

We will talk about various types of plant species and visit the ultimate trail gem of FRIM, the Crown of Shyness during the nature walk. By learning the leaf identification, the children will learn that different plant will have different leaf patterns and most importantly leaves play a crucial role in plant. Lastly, we will have scavenger hunt and leaf bingo, these activities allow the children to have firsthand experience in searching and understand more about the leaves by using leaf identification. Come and join us now!

Date : 9th December 2018 (Sunday)
Time : 9.00 am – 1.30 pm
Venue : FRIM-MNS Nature Education Centre, FRIM Kepong
Age range : 10 years old and above
Cost per person : RM 85.00 for 1st child, RM 65.00 per child for 2nd,3rd, etc. & RM 45.00 per parent

**Fee includes insurance, facilitators from MNS, certificate and FRIM entrance fee

Method of payment:


CIMB              : 8000832963
Maybank        : 012138304679
Please keep bank in slip and email or bring during the actual date of camp as proof of payment.

Contact person       :   Ms. Chen
Programme Officers
Nature Education Centre FRIM Kepong
Phone: 03-62771703