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World Otter Day 2021 recording

We would like to thank you for spending your World Otter Day with us. We are pleased that the webinar was able to draw so many parties from different backgrounds together in exchanging knowledge and ideas on conserving the “Wetland Ambassador”- Otter. 

The recordings of the webinar can be view through these links: 

Opening event and 1st webinar session:

2nd webinar session:

Finally, for those who love to see a close up view on the otter which is very elusive to be spotted in the wild, we had conducted a live telecast of the smooth-coated otter in Zoo Taiping, you can view the recording through this link:

Otter is one of the least studied smaller-sized mammal species and listed as globally threatened species yet it plays a significant role in the ecosystem and recognized as the “Wetland Ambassador” worldwide. Hence, MNS Otter Project and Malaysia Otter Network are established to safeguard the four species of otter in Malaysia.

Currently we have three focus areas in this project:

1) Survey to confirm the presence of otter species, monitor the populations, determine the ecology, habitat and threats (otter-human conflict) to the otter species along the coastal and subcoastal areas of the North-central Selangor coast (Sabak Bernam, Kuala Selangor and Klang);

2) Generate awareness and education to create positive perception towards otter and wetlands, for example annual World Otter Day celebration, workshop, etc.;

3) Actively collecting sightings of otter in whole Malaysia. You can contribute your sighting through the form that can be retrieved from this link here:

“For any enquiry, please contact Woo Chee Yoong at”.


© Woo Chee Yoong/MNS

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