“We Plant 4U” at KSNP (Kuala Selangor Nature Park)

To you who should be VERY concerned.

Man and mangroves have a love hate relationship.

We love to have them, we hate to lose them!

What do we do when the mangroves are depleting at an alarming rate due to man’s insatiable desire for development? What do we do then when the demolished mangroves exacerbate the climate crisis?

We need an emergency solution! We need to re-plant! And we are inviting YOU along.

Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) is launching a mangrove re-planting campaign at Kuala Selangor Nature Park (KSNP). The 10-acres area has been degraded and approximately 40,000 trees need to be planted. This number of trees will be able to sequester approximately 6,600kg per year of carbon dioxide, playing a great role in reducing the impact of green-house gases. This project aims to create awareness and gather support NATIONWIDE towards understanding, caring and nurturing mangrove ecosystems and its importance.

The mangrove ecosystems are vital to the survival of BOTH human and marine species. A habitat for thousands of fishes, crustaceans and supporting many coastal communities around the world, they have helped us survive in more ways than many of us realise.

Just like our tropical rainforests.

Just like our coral reefs.

And just like them, THIS ecosystem is degrading…. at an astounding rate!

YOU can change this!

YOU can support us by sponsoring a mangrove sapling.

By doing so, you are supporting directly towards MNS’ advocacy for environment and climate change issues.  

Sponsorship details are as below:

  1. Sponsorship of mangrove saplings are at RM 40.00/adult and RM 25.00/ individual below 18 years old. You can encouraged to symbolically name your saplings. See #7.
  1. For a minimum of 100 saplings, you can enter the “The 100 Saplings Sponsors” Members would have their name erected on signage that will be placed on-site and in the ‘eco-partners.online‘ mobile application.
  2. All payments to be made to:-

Malaysian Nature Society

Maybank A/C: 012 138 304 679

Remark: P4U

Email receipt to: ksnp@mns.org.my  (016-382 6297)

  1. To symbolically name your mangrove saplings, send a personalised e-gift card or volunteer for planting, go to https://eco-partners.online/ and click on Promotions tab to find “We Plant 4U” Mangrove Restoration campaign.
  2. For enquiries on tax free deduction and 100 Sapling Sponsors and more, please email to ksnp@mns.org.my or message/call 016-382 6297.
  3. This project will be assisted by volunteers of KSNP and MNS’s youth members, who will be responsible for planting the trees at our mangrove forest. Location of tree plantations will be at the sole discretion of KSNP. Sponsors will not be able to choose the location of where your saplings are to be planted. You are however, welcomed to join if your schedule permits and subject to current SOP practices.
  4. Naming of your mangrove saplings are symbolic and personal to you. Please do ingrain them in your heart and memory. MNS and KSNP will not be able to record them personally and we thank you invaluably for your understanding.

On behalf of the mangroves,