Ulu Muda Scientific Expedition 2019 – Pre-Registration

Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) has launched its latest Scientific Expedition focused at the Ulu Muda Forest Reserve at Sik Kedah on the 17th of February 2019.  Following up the launch, MNS  through the Kedah branch is organising the scientific expedition to Ulu Muda forests with the objectives to study and document the diversity, health, and integrity of the Ulu Muda Rainforest ecosystem. Findings from this expedition will be presented in national conferences, seminars, and stakeholder meetings. Through this expedition, the Malaysian Nature Society will work with the Kedah State Government to enhance the protection of this forest reserve, either through a better management for the forests or by gazettement as a State Park. The implementation of this project will showcase Malaysia’s commitment in conserving rainforests from further degradation as well as to inculcate public awareness on the importance of Ulu Muda as key biodiverse area in the northern region of the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia. 

MNS appeals to all concerned members of public, private corporations, and other NGOs to support this expedition in term of sponsorship, donations or simply back our endeavours in whatever way they can to make this expedition a success. It is the fervent hope of all nature lovers from Kedah and all over the country that this natural heritage in Kedah be preserved for the future generations of Kedah and Malaysia.

We are now inviting scientists and experts from among MNS members, universities, research organizations, and government agencies to participate in this expedition.

Pre-Register Now

Interested parties will be required to register, with their proposed topic, basic information and preferred dates, following which they will be contacted for confirmation and  details by the liaison officer. All application will be screened by the MNS Ulu Muda Scientific Committee. 
For more inquiries please email us at ulumuda@mns.org.my