The Science Film Festival 2020

The Science Film Festival is a celebration of science communication in 30 countries around the globe marking its 10th anniversary in Malaysia. In cooperation with Malaysian partners, including the Malaysian Nature Society, it promotes science literacy and facilitates awareness of contemporary scientific, technological and environmental issues through international films with accompanying educational activities for all age groups.
The Sustainable Development Goals are the central theme of this year’s festival. Through an international selection of films on science, technology and the environment, the festival helps expand the conversation on the issues central to the SDGs, and through this conversation, helps to inspire action for the betterment of people and planet.

Malaysia selected 30 films, which are available to be streamed free of charge during the entire festival period upon successful registration. Exciting online programs like essay and video competitions and interactive film introductions by MNS, online quizzes by ASTI, and 12 SDG teaching modules by Ecocentric Transitions are available throughout the festival period. 

 Here’s the link to the Science Film Festival 2020 Event calendar and you may register here to receive links and password to view the films:

 In conjunction with the festival, MNS is organizing SFF2020 Essay Competition and SFF 2020 Short Video Competition from 1 October to 11 December 2020. 

 Find out more here:

Essay Competition:

 Short Video Competition:

 For enquiries, please email to or WhatsApp: 010-2393059