The Mighty Pen

A Workshop on writing letters to the editor.

Date           : Saturday, 18th Nov 2017
Location   : Auditorium, MNS Headquarters.
Contact     : / Wong Ee Lynn

Letters to the Editor and press statements are powerful advocacy tools that have the potential of reaching wide strata of society and influencing law and policies, yet they are often insufficiently utilised by environmental organisations, activists and volunteers. This workshop will be facilitated by two regular contributors of letters to the editor with many years of experience in activism.

Participants will have the opportunity to:
– Brush up on their writing skills and improve the quality of their writing;
– Learn the factors that will increase the chances of one’s letters getting published;
– Learn basic research and citation skills;
– Learn the Do’s and Don’ts of writing letters to the editor and how to navigate politically-sensitive issues.

1. Wong Ee Lynn – Vice-Chair of MNS Selangor, Coordinator of Green Living SIG.
2. Dr. Pola Singh – MNS Selangor Committee Member and author of ‘My Reflections of Life’.

Fees: RM10 for MNS members, MNS Secretariat staff and MYCAT staff. RM20 for non-MNS members.

Refreshments will be provided.
– Limited to 40 participants.
– Participants must be at least 16 years old.