The Life of Birds in the Forests of Peninsular Malaysia – Flora SIG Talk

Date: 6 April 2019, Saturday
Time : 9.30am
Venue: MNS HQ Auditorium, Jalan Kelantan Bukit Persekutuan

You are invited to attend forthcoming public talk in April 2019, by Mr Rosli Omar, MNS Flora SIG member and volunteer. Save the date!

Unknown to many of us, Malaysian forest birds are amongst the most magnificent in the world. Yet they are also increasingly endangered. Focusing on birds in the forests of the peninsular of the country —lowland, highland or montane, and mangrove —this talk will shed light on a range of aspects relating to these feathered creatures. How does one distinguish between male and female birds? Adults, subadultsand juveniles? What are the differences in their plumage and behaviour during the mating and non-mating seasons, and the breeding and non-breeding seasons? Why do they have calls and songs? The session will also discuss the important role birds play in the ecosystem, the challenges they are up against, and how we can each play a role to address this.

Do follow the Flora SIG Group’s activities on our Facebook group page ‘MNS Selangor Branch Flora Group’ for updates on this and other activities. You may also contact us by emailing to or leave a comment on our Facebook event page. We look forward to connecting with you.

Bio of speaker

Rosli Omar has been birding for some 20 years. He was a lecturer at Universiti Malaya till 2012. He recently published a book, Birds of the Forests of Peninsular Malaysia: a photographic guide. It contains 301 species of birds in the three forest habitats in 350 pages