Tapir Talks 11.0 – Festival of Wings 2021 – Waterbirds Conservation in EAAF

Dear MNS members,
We’re pleased to bring you the second MNS Tapir Talks Public Forum Series session for 2021, themed “Festival of Wings 2021 – Waterbirds Conservation in EAAF”, during the celebration of World Migratory Bird Day.
Moderated by MNS President Prof. Dr. Ahmad Ismail, the panellists will be from Vivien Fu (Communication Officer, East Asian-Australasian Flyway Partnership), Mr Yu Yat-Tung (Director, Hong Kong Bird Watching Society), Ms Khwankhao Sinhaseni (Conservation Manager, Bird Conservation Society of Thailand), Dr. Thiri Dae We Aung (Executive Director, Biodiversity And Nature Conservation Association (BANCA)), Mr Bou Vorsak (Chief of Executive Officer, NatureLife Cambodia), Scott Pursner (Director of International Affair, Taiwan Wild Bird Federation (TWBF)), Simba Chan (Associated Researcher, Japan Bird Research Association).Â
You are cordially invited to attend this session as follows:
MNS Tapir Talks 11.0 – Festival of Wings 2021 – Waterbirds Conservation in EAAF
Date: 10th October 2021
Time: 2.30 pm – 4.30 pm
Platform: ZOOM
Registration: http://www.bit.ly/TapirTalks
The recording of the forum can be downloaded here.
*Zoom link will be sent to your registration email.
*Registration will close on 9th October 2021.