Tanjung Tuan Adventure Trail

DATE: Saturday, 23rd November 2019
TIME: 7.30am- 5.00pm ( end time is an estimate)
LOCATION: Tanjung Tuan, Melaka Fee : RM 40 per pax (MNS Member)Â
* Non-members are welcome to join as members by signing up at https://www.mns.my/join-us/ before registering for the activity.
Contact Details:
Vuthy: vuthy55@yahoo.com
Harris: h240976@gmail.com
For Payment related: mns.selangor.ng@gmail.comÂ
About the activity
Negeri Sembilan-Melaka branch with be joining forces with the Selangor Branch Nature Guides SIG in organizing this activity. This program is also in collaboration with Jabatan Perhutanan and Jabatan PERHILITAN of Melaka (tentatively) to share their expertise and experiences with us. The objectives of the program is to provide an opportunity for participants to get a guided tour and to gain knowledge about Tanjung Tuan, including its flora, fauna and not forgetting its extensive history. It also provides opportunity for birders, both professional and amateur to share experiences and capture birdlife at the newly installed Important Biodiversity Area. In addition, marine life exploration will also run concurrently, at the coral reef area along the coast to Tanjung Tuan. The program is also held with aim to develop local nature guides for branch level activities, in enhancement of local knowledge and experience. The team will be divided into 3 groups, Nature Guide Training cum Historical Tour, Birding and Marine Exploration. The primary intended outcome to establish more knowledgeable pool of MNS members that can lead to more exposure, participation and ownership. It is hoped that this will also lead to cascading effect in sharing of knowledge to members as well as visitors. In addition, we will build a pool of successors by developing interests in the younger generation. This can strongly assist furtherance of research, carrying out of projects, conducting of activities and so forth.
Registration Details
Nature Guide Training cum Historical Tour:Â https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdyrPqP22-tecev1F_ptrbflaCm1sc3RLNIwSJamIbgAeTz3A/viewformÂ
Birding:Â https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSch2Elj957R-0AF4SbjrzcJ9jjCPCEyFPOoDZhZTCCEh2pa9A/viewform
Marine Exploration:Â https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf3K0t3kIwmBjkeRO-lcINh5XK-aq93L8uRmRYBuPYQh6jSrw/viewform