Sustainability Malaysia – SLiM 2017

SUSTAINABILITY 2017 – October 27-28 • 20 Years of EPSM’s Local Communities & the Environment Programme (LC&E+20) • 10 Years of EPSM’s Sustainable Living in Malaysia Programme (SLiM+10)
The Environmental Protection Society Malaysia (EPSM) is hosting a two-day Conference to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the launch of its ‘Local Communities and the Environment’ (LC&E) programme, and the 10th anniversary of the launch of its ‘Sustainable Living in Malaysia’ (SLiM) programme.When EPSM held its LC&E Seminar in 1997, it introduced the concept of Local Agenda (LA) 21 in Malaysia to promote sustainable development at the local level. Subsequently, EPSM launched its SLiM Programme in 2007 to introduce Ecological Footprint Analysis in Malaysia and highlight that the ecological limits of the planet had been exceeded.
This Conference will be an opportunity to review progress and chart a pathway for the future, especially in light of the new United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the latest Living Planet Report 2016 which speaks of Risk and Resilience in a New Era. Today our earth system is under increasing threat from degradation of natural systems from human actions. We need to transition to a new approach that respects the Ecological Limits of One Planet. The Conference will review the past two decades and look to the future with awareness, hope and promise. The first day, October 27 will focus on Local Government and the Urban Environment. The second day, October 28, will focus on the National Government and Mainstreaming Sustainability. EPSM cordially invites you to attend the Conference, co-organised with the Sustainability Science Research Cluster, University of Malaya, and join us in this celebration, education and serious contemplation!

Date: Friday, October 27 & Saturday, October 28, 2017

Venue: Auditorium, Research Management & Innovation Complex (RMIC), University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur

The Conference Brochure is attached for your information. While admission is free and we welcome your participation, registration is required.
Please register at, or email with your name(s), organisation and contact details.

Sustainable Living in Malaysia SLiM