Save Ulu Muda Forest with MNS


Ulu Muda Forest in Kedah is an important rain water catchment area to the country as it supplies water to the Pedu, Muda and Ahning dams. These dams yield clean water to 3 northern states of Kedah, Perlis and Pulau Pinang, for farming, industrial, tourism, commercial and domestic (home) activities – DAILY!  Local food source (rice/paddy) for more than 32 million of rakyat Malaysia could be effected, if forest is not protected and longer capable of supplying water. 

On the other hand, the forest is also rich with irreplaceable wildlife and biodiversity such as:

  • 111 species of mammals, including 17 large mammal species such as malayan tapir, sunbear, tiger, asian elephant, black panther and deer
  • 33 species of freshwater fish 
  • 305 species of birds 
  • 63 species of reptiles 
  • More than 50 species of amphibians

However, recent scientific expedition led by the Kedah Branch of the Malaysian Nature Society (MNS), finds that the forest complex is now threatened by illegal poaching and logging activities! Help MNS, as the oldest and pioneering environmental NGO in the country, to lobby the state government of Kedah, to enhance the protection of the forest, either through:

1) Better monitoring and management system, or by

2) Upgrading Ulu Muda Forest as a state park, for long-term solution.


This is how you can play your part to help us save the Ulu Muda Forest Reserve in Kedah. Fill up the online form below with 50-150 words, sharing your thoughts on why would you want the Ulu Muda Forest to be conserved. We plan to compile your short write-up in a form of a publication, as such, your opinion/support may be expressed in either in English or Malay.

Share your thoughts now

 If you cant access the online form, you may also send your encouragement via email to these addresses:;

 Thank you so much. 

We truly cherish your support! 

Join Us! Calling for Researchers:

For the next 18 months, MNS along with its 7 other partnering universities including Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), are in need for scientific researchers to participate in our expedition through these related fields – hydrology, meteorology, herpetology, entomology, ornithology and botany. Apply/call En. Ruzaini Khosim at +6010 9241189, Email: Interested parties will be required to register, with their proposed topic, basic information and preferred dates, following which they will be contacted for confirmation and  details by the liaison officer. All application will be screened by the MNS Ulu Muda Scientific Committee. 

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