Rimba Walk Kinderwalk – Nature Education Center (FRIM)

Hello parents and kids! NEC is going to organize a programme namely Rimba Ilmu KinderWalk this 23rd June 2018. We will be going to Rimba Ilmu Botanical Garden, University of Malaya. As “Rimba Ilmu” in English has meaning of the forest of knowledge, you can explore this knowledgeable garden together with your kids and learn to recognize various species of plants and their values in tropical rainforest. During the walk, kids will get involve in interactive activities and have an opportunity to reconnect to nature at the same time.

Date                      : 23 June 2018 (Saturday)
Time                     : 9.00 am – 12.00 pm
Venue                   : Rimba Ilmu Botanical Garden, University of Malaya
Age range            : 3 – 7 (Parents and Kids)
Cost per person  : RM75 (Kids & Parents)

**Fees include light breakfast for parents and kids, insurance, entrance fee to Rimba Ilmu, equipment for activities, certificates and facilitators from MNS.

Let’s join us now! You and your kids will have a great time! To book, please call us at 03-6277 1703 or email us at nec@mns.org.my

Method of payment:


CIMB              : 8000832963
Maybank        :  012138304679

Please keep bank in slip and email or bring during the actual date of camp as proof of payment.

Contact person: Ms. Chen & Ms. Zalikha
Programme Officers
Nature Education Centre FRIM Kepong
Phone: 03-62771703
Email: nec@mns.org.my