Rainforest Discovery – NEC

Have you ever wondered or imagine what do botanists do? Are their jobs bored, fun or challenging? Come and experience it by yourself! “Rainforest Discovery” programme organized by NEC in 8th June 2019, is the perfect one for you to join, no matter you are interested to become a botanist or not. Why? Because NEC is in FRIM area, where it is surrounded by tropical rainforest that various types of plants can be found and makes it a perfect place to discover and study about plants!

Rainforest Discovery will be held on 8th June 2019, we will talk about various types of plant species and make our own herbarium specimen, this will allow children to have firsthand experience about the specimen making process, and together we will do a quick plant identification by using simple plant identification keys. Participants will also experience on how to do herbarium. Lastly, we will have scavenger hunt activity and this activity aids children to open their senses to observe and feel their surrounding in the mid of activity. Come and join us now!

Date :  8th June 2019 (Saturday)
Time :  9.00 am – 12.00 pm
Venue :  FRIM-MNS Nature Education Centre, FRIM Kepong
Age :  5 years old and above
Cost per person :  RM 85.00/child, RM 65.00 per child for 2nd,3rd, etc & RM 45.00/parent

*Fee includes meal, insurance, FRIM entrance fee, activity materials, certificate and MNS facilitators included.

Contact person       :   Ms. Syafiqa Wahaf
Programme Officers
Nature Education Centre FRIM Kepong
Phone: 03-62771703
Email: nec@mns.org.my