Mushroom Detective – NEC


Have you ever wonder what mycologist do? Have you ever seen various types of mushrooms other than those you see in the supermarkets? You should join our programme, Mushroom Detective on this October! We will open the door to mushrooms’ world to give you an idea of what mycologist is, and this is totally different from those you usually have seen. On that day, we will together go for mushroom walk in forest, search for mushrooms, and get beautiful images of mushrooms, identify and get to know the mushrooms we found on the trail, and last but not least, have a first-hand experience of growing your own mushrooms!

Date : 28 October 2018 (Sunday)
Time : 9.00 am – 1.30 pm
Venue : FRIM-MNS Nature Education Centre, FRIM Kepong
Age range : 5 to 12 years old
Cost per person : RM 85.00 for 1st child, RM 65.00 per child for 2nd,3rd, etc. & RM 45.00 per parent

**Fee includes insurance, facilitators from MNS, certificate and FRIM entrance fee

Method of payment:


CIMB              : 8000832963
Maybank        : 012138304679
Please keep bank in slip and email or bring during the actual date of camp as proof of payment.

Contact person       :   Ms. Chen
Programme Officers
Nature Education Centre FRIM Kepong
Phone: 03-62771703