MNS Tapir Talks 9.0 – Clash of Champions: The State of Conservation in Malaysia

We’re pleased to bring you the second MNS Tapir Talks Public Forum Series session for 2021, themed “Clash of Champions: The State of Conservation in Malaysia”, during the celebration of World Tapir Day. 

Moderated by MNS President Prof. Dr. Ahmad Ismail, the panellists will be from MNS past presidents, Tan Sri Dr. Salleh Mohd Nor (MNS Senior Advisor, MNS President 1978 – 2006, 2008 – 2010), Mohd Khan Momin Khan (former Director-General of PERHILITAN, MNS President 1975 – 1978) and Dr. Francis S. P. Ng (former Deputy Director-General of FRIM, MNS President 1974 – 1975).

You are cordially invited to attend this session as follows: 

MNS Tapir Talks 9.0 – Clash of Champions: The State of Conservation in Malaysia

Date: 27 April 2021

Time: 10 am – 12 pm

Platform: ZOOM

*Zoom link will be sent to your registration email.

*Registration will close on 26 April 2021.