MNS Human-Otter Conflict Workshop 2021

Our very first MNS Human-Otter Conflict Workshop 2021 (only by invitation) ended successfully today with three 1.5 hours sessions held from 20th-22nd December 2021. We are fortunate to have amazing speakers, Dr. Aldrie, Dr. Aadrean, Dr. Pazil and Dr. Wong Ee Phin and most importantly participants from the Department of Fisheries Malaysia, Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia, Lembaga Urus Air Selangor and local aquaculture farmers. Through the workshop, the participants are instilled with the knowledge on conserving otter habitat like the mangrove, rehabilitate abandoned aquaculture ponds, introduced various mitigation measures in reducing human-otter conflict, laws and policy, and promoted human-wildlife coexistence. We even had the chance to hear from the local aquaculture farmers on their conflict situation and suggestions!
We would like to express our highest gratitude to the Department of Fisheries Malaysia for this collaboration and The Conservation, Food & Health Foundation for providing the funding support. Stay tuned to more updates on our MNS Otter Project progress!