The Annual Water Vision Contest is now back! This year, thanks to our new partner, Me12Pay through its XUsed Learn & Earn Program, we are encouraging you to be a Recycling Champion and be rewarded for your efforts! Find out more information here
Water Vision Contest 2020
When not being managed properly, solid waste gets washed into our drains and makes its way to our rivers and to the sea. Marine debris refers to processed solid waste or an industrial waste that is disposed either directly, indirectly, intentionally or unintentionally to the sea. Marine debirs is causing many environmental problem, including being ingested and accidentally trapping by the marine wildlife. In addition to that, degradation of plastic waste into smaller pieces, the microplastics is impacting the environment.
Want to learn more marine debris and how it is effecting our environment? Click here.
What can we do to reduce our impact on the environment? We must be in charge of our recyclables!
The Water Vision Contest is Back!
Starting from 24 February, you can participate in our annual Water Vision Contest 2020. We will guide you step by step on how to become a Recycling Champion! This year, you can also earn as you recycle!
Exciting prizes awaits winners!
We’d love to hear from our Recycle Champions! We welcome students aged 13 to 16 years old to participate in this contest.
Find Contest forms, Rules & Regulations, and Google Classroom Water Vision 2020 Guidelines here.
Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic and Movement Control Order which came into effect on 18 March, we are encouraging students to learn about Marine Debris by participating in our Google Classroom Water Vision 2020
Also, be on a look out for more updates about this contest. Follow us:
FB Page: MNS & Coca-Cola Water Vision Program
Instagram Page: MalaysianNatureSociety
This contest is co-organized by Malaysian Nature Society and Coca-Cola Malaysia and fully supported by Ministry of Education Malaysia. Thank to our new partner, Me12Pay Digital Sdn Bhd, through its “Xused Learn & Pay” Program, you can now earn as you recycle!
Water Vision Program is a partnership between Malaysian Nature Society and Coca-Cola Malaysia.
This Program is fully funded by The Coca-Cola Foundation and fully supported by Ministry of Education Malaysia.
Copyright © Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) - Persatuan Pencinta Alam Malaysia 2025
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