MNS-BCC Important Bird & Biodiversity Area (IBA) Workshop II

We’re pleased to announce the return of the MNS-BCC Important Bird and Biodiversity Area (IBA) Workshop II happening ONLINE on Saturday 7th November 2020, 9am – 1pm. It’s free and open to MNS members only!!!

This workshop is building up from the 1st IBA Workshop held on 7 & 8 March 2019 in Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan, more specifically discuss the current IBA status in Malaysia, how we are going to assess the proposed new IBA sites and the potential role each MNS branch plays in monitoring IBAs.

You are cordially invited to join in this free workshop, moderated by President of MNS, Prof. Dr. Ahmad Ismail and Chairman of MNS-Bird Conservation Council (BCC), Tan Choo Eng, with panels comprising BirdLife Asia Partnership Secretariat Senior Conservation Officer, Mr. Mike Crosby and Network & Partner Development Manager Asia Coordinator – Forest of Hope, Dr. Hum Gurung as our special speakers; together with the team from MNS Conservation Division comprising MNS Head of Conservation, Balu Perumal; Bird Conservation Programme Manager, Yeap Chin Aik; Wildlife Officer, Ng Wai Pak; and Wildlife Research Assistant, Woo Chee Yoong.


You can also see more at and

*The link to the workshop will be sent to your registration email

*Kindly register by 6th November 2020