Over the years MNS has played an integral role in preserving our natural habitat and wildlife. Some of our landmark successes are the driving force behind the voice of conservation in our country.
Over the years MNS has played an integral role in preserving our natural habitat and wildlife. Some of our landmark successes are the driving force behind the voice of conservation in our country.
One of MNS’ first major successes in conservation was in the 1960s where the project lead by the late Dr. E. Balasingam involved studying the egg laying habits of these turtles. This initiated a landmark turtle egg collection (for conservation) scheme in this country and spurred on the start of the first ever hatchery programme in 1961.
In 1977, extensive logging in the Endau-Rompin area led to MNS partnering with 5 other organisations in taking out a half-page advertisement in a national daily to launch the Save Endau-Rompin National Park campaign. Logging licenses were not renewed after the 1977 concessions expired. Thirteen years later in 1985, MNS created history by leading the Malaysian Heritage & Scientific Expedition to Endau-Rompin. Rounds of dialogue and advocacy with the state government in the ensuing years culminated in the Johor segment of Endau-Rompin being gazetted as a state park in 1993.
The Kuala Selangor Nature Park or KSNP was established in 1987 as a result of MNS’ successful advocacy against state government who planned to turn the area into a golf course. MNS now manages and runs KSNP on behalf of the Selangor state government. This is the only instance where a park is managed by an NGO for the government in Malaysia.
The School Nature Club (Kelab Pencinta Alam/KPA) was established in 1991 in collaboration with the Malaysian Ministry of Education. What began as a pioneer group of 12 schools in the Klang Valley is now an initiative with a membership of over 350 schools nationwide. The main focus of the KPA programme is to encourage interest, understanding and involvement in environmental and conservation efforts among the school-going generation.
1993 marked a historical year for MNS when His Majesty the Yang Dipertuan Agong IX Sultan Azlan Shah launched the historical year long Malaysian Heritage & Scientific Expedition to Belum, Perak. After 15 years of tireless and continuous advocacy such as signature campaigns and public awareness raising events, the Royal Belum State Park was officially gazetted as a totally protected area in May 2007.
MNS has a good track record of over 73 years in protecting our country’s natural habitats and educating the public on the need for environmental action.
MNS with three other major scientific and conservation organisations in Malaysia ie ASM and MSA hosted the International Science and Nature Congress (ISNaC) 2015 as a platform for local and international scientist to share their knowledge, experience, ideas and research findings. The three-day congress was held at the Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC) in Kuala Lumpur and officially launched by Minister of Science, Technology and Innovations YB Datuk Wilfred Madius Tingau
The Malayan Nature Journal Conference 2018 was held at the Royal Chulan , Seremban on 22nd September 2018 . The theme of this conference is “MNJ- strengthening its role in Malaysian Conservation since 1940” where we bring together several conservation pioneers to share their insights and experiences about their roles and contributions in the seventy illustrious years of publishing the Malayan Nature Journal.The conference is aimed at the international and local scientific community and academicians, with the goal of fostering and facilitating communication and collaboration between the various stakeholders in Malaysian Conservation.
MNS through the Kedah branch is organising the scientific expedition to Ulu Muda forests with the objectives to study and document the diversity, health, and integrity of the Ulu Muda Rainforest ecosystem. Findings from this expedition will be presented in national conferences, seminars, and stakeholder meetings. Through this expedition, the Malaysian Nature Society will work with the Kedah State Government to enhance the protection of this forest reserve, either through a better management for the forests or by gazettement as a State Park. The implementation of this project will showcase Malaysia’s commitment in conserving rainforests from further degradation as well as to inculcate public awareness on the importance of Ulu Muda as key biodiverse area in the northern region of the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia.
MNS has launched the Malayan Nature Journal – Special Edition 2019 (MNJSE) in conjunction with its 80th anniversary celebrations. A second-series edition, the journal is based on the history of early pioneers in conservation, looking into the work, records and legacies of the individuals who have served Malaya and Malaysia in the past.The journal comprises five feature articles, including past MNS publication features, letters and important notes prepared by MNS contributors, mainly MNS members and nature conservation community partners. The launch of the journal at the MNS headquarters in Kuala Lumpur was held simultaneously with its 80th anniversary pre-launch. During the launch, MNS officially publicised its upcoming 2020 events and revealed the society’s 80th anniversary banner.
Copyright © Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) - Persatuan Pencinta Alam Malaysia 2025
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