Mangroves of Pulau Redang Marine Park: We Care by Mr Hashimi Ismail

Date : 2 March 2019, Saturday
Time : 9.30am
Venue : MNS HQ Auditorium, Jalan Kelantan Bukit Persekutuan

You are invited to attend an upcoming talk on 2 March 2019. Mr Hashimi Ismail will talk about the topics below:

– introduction to mangroves
– introduction to P. Redang
– info on mangroves of p. Redang
– threats to the mangroves of P. Redang
– rehabilitation / replanting program conducted
– current condition after the Pabuk storm

Do follow the Flora SIG Group’s activities on our Facebook group page ‘MNS Selangor Branch Flora Group’ for updates on this and other activities. You may also contact us by emailing to or leave a comment on our Facebook event
page. We look forward to connecting with you.