KSNP Volunteers Day 2022 #9 – Mangrove Restoration (Mangrove Tree Planting – 24 September 2022)

KSNP Volunteer Day program is held monthly on the third or fourth Saturday. This year the volunteer program is developed to rehabilitate the degraded areas and to restore and conserve a healthy mangrove ecosystem at KSNP through public engagement. Participation from the public including MNS members aims to empower the ownership and raise awareness of locals and stakeholders on the importance of mangrove for its environmental resources and values.

This program was started in 2021 by Kuala Selangor Nature Park with support from MNS members and public partnerships. KSNP receives funds and support from various local and international corporate partners and funders to run the program successfully.

The objectives of this program as below: 

  • To create an awareness on the importance of the mangrove ecosystem through the mangrove rehabilitation program for the conservation and protection of Kuala Selangor Nature Park.
  • To nurture a society with a conservation mindset by participating in hands-on activities.
  • To provide opportunity for the concerned public to contribute actively in the restoration of mangroves and ultimately, the betterment of our nature and environment.
  • To strengthen the support and concern of the public in protection of KSNP.
  • As an educational platform for participants to know, feel and experience the mangrove ecosystem.
  • To support the Government of Malaysia agenda through the 100 Million Tree-Planting Campaign.

KSNP Volunteer Day #9 – As per the encouraging response from our previous programs,  our September target is to plant 2500 mangrove saplings in the degraded area. Our volunteers will invest their time and energy to preserve our nature. The tree planting activity may be tiresome, dirty but definitely fulfilling and satisfying. To our regular volunteers, welcome back to the jungle!

 Here is some further information to share.

  • The Volunteer Day activity is a fully sponsored event by KSNP and donors; therefore, there will be no costs on participants. We do welcome donations to support our programs and to upkeep the park. An official receipt will be provided by the Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) for your kind donations.
  • Registration is only via online through a ‘Google Form’ that is shared on a monthly basis links and QR Codes to the form can be obtained from the MNS website or the KSNP and MNS social media platforms. Links will be available at the beginning of each month.
  • Attire: Suitable clothes, including cap or hat; pair of long socks. Gloves will be provided for adult participants. You will need to bring your own boots. For kids, you will need to self-provide both the boots and gloves. Mosquito repellant is advisable. It is also available for sale at the Registration Booth on the event day.
  • Meals: There will not be any meals provided, but you are welcome to bring your own food and dine at our Dining Hall. Bear in mind, no polystyrene containers are allowed. Do bring along a bottle of water. Please do not feed any wildlife, including macaques and silvered-leaf monkeys.
  • Additional: Bring extra clothes to wash up after the activity. Do bring any personal medication if necessary.
  • SOP: Only participants who are fully vaccinated and with low risk status are allowed to participate. Masks are encouraged but not compulsory. Children must be accompanied by fully vaccinated adults.
  • E-Cert: Will be provided to participants based on the attendance registration on the event day. Please ensure you have keyed in your email address and name correctly for the registration and event day attendance. Please do register as well even if you do not need the e-cert, for our record on the number of participants attending.
  • Registration will be open until 21st September 2022 or when the participant number reaches 250 pax (First Registered First Served).
  • Bear in mind that this Volunteer Day is open to public only. For businesses, companies or corporations who would like to have corporate planting programs, do contact us for further details. If businesses, companies or corporations are participating in this volunteer program, participation form must be filled individually. These entities can only claim as participated in a planting program. You cannot claim for sponsorship, carbon credits, etc. as these trees are already sponsored. 

KSNP Volunteer Day 2022 #9 – Activity details

Date: 24th September 2022

Time: Starting at 8.30a.m – until finish planting

Entrance Fee: Waived for Participants

Location: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Kuala+Selangor+Nature+Park/@3.3390018,101.244805,15z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x0:0x37164261c50767d0!4b1!8m2!3d3.3390018!4d101.244805

About KSNP: https://www.mns.my/ksnp-centre/

To register, scan the QR Code in the poster or click the link below:


For any queries, please contact Harris at h240976@gmail.com or Maichal at ksnp@mns.org.my