KSNP Volunteer’s Day 2022 #2

Hi There!

We are looking for volunteers to help us to remove the debris and litter in Kuala Selangor Nature Park’s mangrove forest. The debris and litter are brought in during high tide and get trapped in mangroves when the tide recedes. E-certs will be provided upon request.

Date : 26th February 2022
Time: 8.30am to 12.00pm
Entrance Fee: Waived for Participants
Location: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Kuala+Selangor+Nature+Park/@3.3390018,101.244805,15z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x0:0x37164261c50767d0!4b1!8m2!3d3.3390018!4d101.244805
About KSNP: https://www.mns.my/ksnp-centre/

Attire: Suitable clothes, including cap or hat; pair of long socks. Rubber boots and gloves will be provided. Mosquito repellant is advisable.
Meals: There will not be any meals provided, but you are welcome to bring your own food. Bear in mind, no polysterene container are allowed. Do bring along a bottle of water.
Additional: Bring extra clothes to wash up after the activity. Do bring any personal medication if necessary.

SOP: Only participants who are fully vaccinated and with low risk status are allowed to participate. Screening will be conducted at the entrance. Children must be accompanied by fully vaccinated adults.

To register, scan the QR Code in the poster or click the link below:


For any queries, please contact Harris at h240976@gmail.com or Maichal at ksnp@mns.org.my