Junior Environmental Leaders Series (JELS)

ABOUT JELS #breakupwithplastics

Junior Environmental Leaders Series #breakupwithplastics is an environmental , project based program for the Kelab Pencinta Alam schools. It is a collaboration project between Malaysian Nature Society, with Telekom Malaysia Berhad and Ministry of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change (MESTECC). This program aligns with Malaysia’s Roadmap Towards Zero-Single Use Plastics 2018 -2030 in effort to abolish the usage of single-use plastics.

This project first started as a series of preliminary workshop located at 8 states within peninsular Malaysia. Selected schools were invited to participate in the workshops whereby participants were exposed to theoretical and practical knowledge to combat Single-Use Plastics usage. Following up from the workshop, the participants are required to implement those suggested efforts at their own schools and send in their report for evaluation. Top 5 schools have the opportunity to compete at a final conference to showcase their effort and stand a chance to win the Junior Environmental Leaders Series #breakupwithplastics Award. MNS Environmental Education (EE) division has come up with materials for the program. The related teaching materials can be downloaded by clicking on the files below. Kindly note that the materials are all in Bahasa Malaysia.  Interested teachers can use the materials to conduct similar effort at schools. 


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