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Introducing our new Council Members for term 2018-2020.

Following the recent election held at the 71st AGM, we are pleased to announce your new Council.

President :  Prof Dr. Ahmad Ismail
Vice Presidents  :  Stephanie Bacon
:  Vincent Chow Kok Kow
Honorary Secretary :  Shim Yen Lin
Honorary Treasurer :  Jenny Yow Ngan Chee
Council Members :  Patrick Lee Kok Yueh
:  George Ng Soon Guan
:  Peggy Tan Pek Pek Tao
:  Lai Chong Haur
:  Khor Hui Min
:  John Chan

We would like to thank those members who served on 2016-2018 Council for their willingness to serve the Malaysian Nature Society and their contribution to the effectiveness of society during that time.

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