How To Be Successful Hornbill Talk Session

It’s a jungle out there! And for any ambitious young hornbill dreaming of finding a life partner and producing many offspring, there is much to learn. Yeap Chin Aik, who has devoted many years to understanding the secrets of hornbill success, joins us for the first Habitalk of the year! This is a free virtual talk which is completely family-friendly! Let’s learn about our native wildlife while we all stay home and help flatten the curve! Save the date and watch on facebook live or from this YouTube link! Over the next few weeks we will be running virtual events and e-learning opportunities you can participate in from the comfort and safety of your home! Look out for further announcements.
Yeap Chin Aik has been with Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) for 20 years. He is currently the Project Manager/Lead Investigator for the MNS Hornbill Conservation Project. He is also a Steering Committee Member of the IUCN SSG Hornbill Specialist Group and Chair of the Habitat Sub-Group of the Helmeted Hornbill Working Group. He is doing his PhD on hornbill ecology at University Putra Malaysia (UPM). Yeap and MNS have been awarded a 2021 Conservation Grant from THF for an pilot project with the Jahai/Temiar village of Kampung Chuweh, Perak. The project will develop a nursery for the food trees of the hornbills of the Belum Temengor Forest Landscape.
Date : 2nd February 2021
Time :5.00 pm
Platform : Facebook Live -Go to Habitat Foundation FB or click the link here
: Youtube Channel – Go to Habitat Foundation Channel or click the link here
Hurry up and join us now ! Don’t miss this moment to understand our precious hornbill!