Heart of Borneo (HoB) Initiative Training Workshop

We are pleased to bring you our first Forest Governance Zonal Workshop for 2021, focusing on the Heart of Borneo (HoB) initiative, one of the target areas under the MY forest project.

HoB is a government-led and NGO-supported programme initiated in 2007 by the governments of Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei to conserve the biodiversity of the HoB for the benefit of the people who rely upon it through a network of protected areas, sustainable management of forests and other sustainable land uses.

This Workshop will introduce participants to HoB, equip them with knowledge, understanding and skills to foster better involvement in HoB and forest governance, and to discuss, share and exchange knowledge and ideas between governmental agencies and non-state actors regarding HoB and forest governance.

The moderator will be Ivy Wong of Yayasan Hasanah, and the panellists are Michelle Yap (Sabah Forestry Department), Salina Hamdi (Forest Department Sarawak), Anna Wong (MNS Sabah Branch), Dr. Henry Chan (WWF-Malaysia) and Zaeidi Haji Berudin (Ministry of Primary Resources & Tourism, Brunei Darussalam).

You are cordially invited to attend this free workshop, which will be held as follows:

HoB Initiative Training Workshop

Date: 20 January 2021

Time: 10am-1pm

Platform: ZOOM


*Zoom link will be sent to your registration email.

*Registration will close on 19 January 2021.