Happy New Year 2018! Nature Inspired Gift Basket

Sending warm wishes to all and Happy New Year from Pak Cipan and Family!

2017 is coming to an end and 2018 just looming around the corner! We would like to take this opportunity to wish all our members and supporters for a Happy New Year! We would also like to express our gratituted to all MNS members, corporate supporters as well as corporate members who have continuously supported the Society’s efforts in conserving our natural heritage

MNS is actively advocating for the Protection of our Natural Heritage, Temengor, Ulu Muda and Tanjung Tuan to name a few. We are also organized annual Environmental Education Camps, workshops and day trips to educate our school, youth and members on environmental issues in Malaysia. Other than that, we are celebrating the migratory birds in March and October through our annual Public Event, Raptor Watch and Festival of Wings.

Celebrate this festive season with a gift for Conservation!

This year, we would like to offer you to purchase our very own Nature Inspired Gift Basket for the coming New Year Celebration. Each basket comes with a locally made bamboo collander basket, a book of our choice, 2 ecofriendly soap bars and 1 totebag. You can have the option to add MNS membership subscription and/or Donation to MNS. Sales profit from each purchase and donation made will be channelled to MNS Conservation, Education and Public Awareness Activities.

Starting from RM95, you can share this wonderful gift with your loved ones or if you own a business, to share with your customers, and at the same time send a gift in the name of Conservation. What you’re waiting for? Pre Order now!

MNS members are entitled to 10% discounts for all gift baskets purchased

If interested, kindly please complete our Pre-Order form below:
