Guided Walk at RimbaIlmu, Universiti Malaya

Date: 30 March 2019, Saturday
Time : 8.00 am sharp (duration will be 3-4 hours)
Cost: RM 15 per person

Starting point:Rimba Ilmu car park (

Come join the MNSFlora SIG on guided walk at Rimba Ilmu in Universiti Malaya

Be at the starting point at least 15 minutes before the walk so that we can facilitate the administrative processes of payment for admission.

Even though the day may be hot and humid, it is best to put on long sleeves, trousers and socks that cover your feet.Bring along on insect repellent as well, if available.A cap with flap to cover the nape area may be good too.If possible, avoid any tight-fitting clothes as it may not be able to prevent mosquito bites.

Come in comfortable outdoor footwear.We shall be walking on paved surfaces. Bring along sufficient drinking water.The walk may be suitable for children below 6 years old.

Register by 09 March 2019 by notifying the organizer at with your name and contact details.

About Rimba Ilmu. 

Rimba Ilmu is an 80-hectare botanic garden located within the University of Malaya, campus. Since its establishment in 1974, the garden has transformed from an abandon rubber estate to arguably one of the main ex-situ conservation site in Malaysia with an estimated living collections of around 1700 species of plants.

The Garden being initially used only as a teaching facility for biology students, has been made accessible to the general public since the opening of a new building in 1997. The garden adopts a rain forest theme which sets it apart from many other public gardens in Peninsular Malaysia, especially around the Klang Valley.

The core collections in the garden include medicinal plants, palms, citruses (plants from the orange family), ferns and bamboos. Visitors to the garden can enjoy pleasant walks with informative plant labels and interpretation signs available at selected places along the general pathway.

The Garden is open on weekdays and closed on weekends.However, special arrangement is made with a member of staff to allow for this guided walk.

It is important to register early to allow the organizer to gauge the number of participants to a maximum of 20 persons, and firm up arrangements with the Management of Rimba Ilmu.

Photo by rawpixel.comfromPexels