Global Warming Camp (NEC)

Hello and good day everyone! We’re glad to announce that NEC School Holiday Camp is back an the interesting topic — The Warming Planet. As global warming and climate change issues have become the talk of the town, we’re here to show our concern in saving the earth by educating the public especially young generation about our environment and other issues involved. The camp offerw hands-on activities, Petrosains tour, nature walk, terrarium activity and other exciting and educational experiences.

Your children are going to embark on an unforgettable adventure filled with fun while learning to become a Planet Warrior with the aim of protecting the earth. We are now open for enrollment and welcome young adventurers aged between 7 to 15 years. Spread the love to Our Wonderful Planet!

Date: 6-8 December 2019
Venue : FRIM-MNS Nature Education Centre, Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM) Kepong, Selangor.
Age : 8 till 15 years old
Fee for Camp: RM320.00 per child for MNS members/KPA members, or Group Booking (3 or more)
RM350.00 per child for Non-MNS member
*Fee includes meals, accommodation, insurance, entrance fee to FRIM, activity materials, MNS facilitators and certificate

For more info, please call us at 03- 62771703 or email us at