Frolicking in Ulu Muda

Dates: 22-24 June 2018

Nature Guides Selangor Branch is organizing a trip to visit this wonderful place in hopes that you will be able to spread the word with photo evidence on how beautiful and important nature is while experiencing a little bit of life in the remote areas of Malaysia. The suggested itinerary is listed below. If we are lucky, we might come across elephants!

Documents required : 

1. Scanned or digital photo of IC (front only) for Malaysians or main information page of passport if non-Malaysian.
2. Digital colour passport size photo (if DIY, must be direct frontal shot of upper torso & head with plain colour background).
* Please be aware that this is a requirement of the State Forestry Department.

Cost : RM600.00 (per person)

**Course is open to MNS members only and non-members need to add RM70 for MNS one-year membership.

Max. No. of Participants : 15 pax

Closing date : Need 50 % deposit by 31st March 2018, remaining payment by 30th April 2018.

Charges included:
1. Dormitory accommodation with attached bathroom
2. Excludes Transport to, lunch and parking at Muda Lake Jetty
3. Inclusive of boat transfers, accommodation, all meals, activities, guide and entry permits
4. Transport is by carpooling which costs are to be shared between drivers and passengers.

*No refund will be given for those who cancel their trip.

Please make payment to:
Malaysian Nature Society Selangor Branch
Maybank acc: 014150307352
Reference: NG10

Person In Charge: Mary , or Angeline , angeline.siok@gmail.

Online Registration Form :Â