Flora SIG Talk – Evolutionary History of Plants: The Life Cycle

Date     : 9 December 2017
Time    : Saturday 9.30am
Venue : The Auditorium of MNS HQ, Jalan Kelantan

Evolutionary History of Plants: The Life Cycle

The plant life cycle is a part of a series of botanical talks interpreting plant features in a historical perspective. Previous talks of this series were: “The conquest of land and the invention of wood ”(03/09/2016); and “The contract between flowers and insects” (07/01/2017). All sexually reproducing plants have a life cycle marked by a “diploid” phase in which genetic information is doubled after fertilization and a “haploid” phase in which genetic information is halved after an event called meiosis. Each of these phases is adapted to environmental conditions and has evolved differently during the history of plants. The talk will illustrate the reduction in size and autonomy of the haploid phase at the benefit of the diploid phase during the adaptation of plants to life conditions on land. This evolutionary trend together with the increased protection of the embryo will be related to features defining major key groups of terrestrial plants.

Follow-us on our Facebook group page ‘MNS Selangor Branch Flora Group’ for updates on this event. You may also contact us by emailing to mnsflora@gmail.com or leave a comment on our Facebook event page. We look forward to connecting with you.