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Exco and Council


Prof Dr. Ahmad Ismail


Prof Dr. Ahmad Ismail has been involved with MNS activities since he was a student at the university in the early 1980s. In 2012, he initiated the inception of MNS KPA-Youth membership which was launched at UPM but is now available to all university students up to the age of 25 years throughout Malaysia. As a professor at Universiti Putra Malaysia, he is actively involved in teaching, research and extension have strong networking that can bring MNS to the next level which will be recognised by public, government agencies, private sectors and internationally.


  • Represents the Society in its dealings with the outside persons or bodies.
  • Serves as Chairman at all General and Council meeting
  • Undertake such other responsibilities as may be determined by Council from time to time
Email: president(at)

Vice President I

Vincent Chow Kok Kow

Vice President

Vincent have served MNS Johor as its advisor and Chairman for over 10 years. In addition he have published a total of 6 books on the Biodiversity of Johor out of collaboration with the Dept. of Forestry Johor, the Johor National Parks as well as the private sector (Johor Port and Kulim Bhd).


  • In the absence of the President, act on his/her behalf and in doing so execute such powers and responsibilities as are vested in the office of the President
  • Undertake such responsibilities as may from time to time be determined by the President. In the President’s absence, serves as Chairman at all General and Council.
  • Undertake such other responsibilities as may be determined by Council. The President, or in his absence the Vice Presidents, may further delegate authority vested in the office to any other members of the Council deemed necessary.
Email: vkkchow(at)

Vice President II

Eric Sinayya

Hon. Secretary

Hui Min has been a member of MNS since 2005. She has previous been the MNS Selangor Branch Marine SIG Coordinator (2008-2011), and MNS Council Member (2019-2020). She has been an Honorary Editor of the Pencinta Alam, the MNS national monthly newsletter, since 2011. She is also the Managing Editor of the Malaysian Naturalist, the MNS quarterly magazine, since June 2019. Hui Min has a Master of Science (Environmental Science), and has worked in the publishing industry as a book editor since 2004, with brief stints as a copywriter in advertising. She has been a self-employed writer and editor since 2017.


  • Maintain the records of the Society and carry on its correspondence
  • Be responsible for the preparation and submission of all returns and documents required by law
  • Keep minutes on all General, Council and Board of Trustees meetings
  • Maintain an up-to-date registration of all membership
  • Perform such other duties as may from time to time be prescribed by the Council

Email: Honsec(at)

Honorary Secretary

Kor Hui Min

Hon. Secretary

Hui Min has been a member of MNS since 2005. She has previous been the MNS Selangor Branch Marine SIG Coordinator (2008-2011), and MNS Council Member (2019-2020). She has been an Honorary Editor of the Pencinta Alam, the MNS national monthly newsletter, since 2011. She is also the Managing Editor of the Malaysian Naturalist, the MNS quarterly magazine, since June 2019. Hui Min has a Master of Science (Environmental Science), and has worked in the publishing industry as a book editor since 2004, with brief stints as a copywriter in advertising. She has been a self-employed writer and editor since 2017.


  • Maintain the records of the Society and carry on its correspondence
  • Be responsible for the preparation and submission of all returns and documents required by law
  • Keep minutes on all General, Council and Board of Trustees meetings
  • Maintain an up-to-date registration of all membership
  • Perform such other duties as may from time to time be prescribed by the Council

Email: Honsec(at)


Honorary Treasurer

Jenny Yow Ngan Chee

Hon. Treasurer

Jenny has been a member since 2003 and MNS Honorary Treasurer for 2008 – 2016. Jenny is a qualified accountant by profession and holds MICPA, MIA. She was the former Head of Finance of BERNAS, Malaysian’s national rice company before retiring in 2007.


  • A true and accurate account of all monies received and expended by the Society is kept
  • All funds and monies are kept securely on behalf of the Society and are disbursed by him on that behalf
  • The Annual Balance Sheet and Income and Expenditure Account are prepared for submission to the Council in good time for eventual submission to the Council in good for eventual submission to the Annual General Meeting.
  • The cheques for payment by the Society are signed by the Hon. Treasurer or the Hon.Secretary and another person authorized by the Council
  • No money or property of the Society or any gain arising from the carrying of the Society shall be applied otherwise than for the benefit of the Society as a whole
Email: jyownganchee(at)

Executive Director

I.S Shanmugaraj
Email : director(at)

Head of Conservation

Balu Perumal
Email : hod.conservation(at)

Head of Services

Intan Zurani
Email :

Council Members

  • George Ng Soon Guan
  • Lai Chong Haur
  • Shim Yen Li
  • Jessie Cheah Swee Neo
  • Ayadurai Letchumanan

Publication Committee

Chairman : Vincent Chow Kok Kow

  • Emeritus Prof. Dato’ Dr. Abdul Latiff Mohamad
  • Prof. Dr. Ahmad Ismail
  • Patrick Lee Kok Yuen
  • I. S. Shanmugaraj
  • Stephanie Bacon
  • Donovan Louis
  • Khor Hui Min

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