Celebrate the World Firefly Day: 7-8 July 2020

This year’s theme is Hope Rising giving hope to humanity and fireflies during the Covid crisis. We will celebrate a virtual WffD 2020 with fun activities. This year we have a joint activity with Kasetsart University Thailand. For participation in the fun activities, please refer to the activities listed below. The MNS President will give a launch speech on the 4th July 2020, please stay tune at MNS’s facebook or YouTube channel!

       4 July: Launch speech by MNS President  
4 – 12 July: Daily Firefly FAQs

Contests with prizes
4 – 31 July: Trivia Quiz
                   Short story telling
                   Comic strip

For global celebration, please visit the Fireflyers International Network (www.fireflyersinternational.net) and YouTube.

World Firefly Day 2020 is sponsored by the Malaysian Nature Society. Please conseider a donation to support MNS work to raise awareness of fireflies, protecting fireflies’ habitats, and to advocate for firefly conservation.

Download full program here