Global Forest Watch – Small Grants Fund (SGF) In 2017, the Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) launched “MY Forest” – a subset of a larger EU project seeking to strengthen
KSNP Towards RAMSAR Site 2.0 (Talk) Hai semua Pencinta Alam. Ada sambungan untuk sesi yang lepas. Mari turut serta, bersama dalam menjadikan TAMAN ALAM KUALA SELANGOR
MNS RM1 Million Challenge! This initiative is led by the president of MNS, Prof Dr. Ahmad Ismail with the purpose of generating funds to support the Society’s conservations
KSNP Volunteer’s Day 2022 #2 Hi There! We are looking for volunteers to help us to remove the debris and litter in Kuala Selangor Nature
MYGB 2021 Report Card is out! Different from previous years, this year we will report MYGB general survey data and comparison of top 10 commonly seen
MNS Human-Otter Conflict Workshop 2021 Our very first MNS Human-Otter Conflict Workshop 2021 (only by invitation) ended successfully today with three 1.5 hours sessions held
JEMPUTAN PENYERTAAN FORUM WEBINAR: LESTARI BELIA, LESTARI BAKAU Pusat Pendidikan Alam Sekitar ecoCare (Malaysian Nature Society, MNS) dengan kerjasama dari Universiti Malaysia Terengganu dan tajaan penuh dari PETRONAS
Plain-pouched Hornbill Talk 2021 Dear all, Greetings from the Malaysian Nature Society (MNS). We’re pleased to bring you the “Plain-pouched Hornbill Talk 2021” ONLINE,
Assessment on the Distribution of Hornbills and Identification of Important Hornbill Landscapes (IHL) in Sarawak Rhinoceros Hornbill_Credit to Jason Teo After almost a year of hard work and dedication, the Hornbill Team from Malaysian Nature