Cancellation of Hornbill Volunteer Program 2020

The Malaysian Nature Society is sad to announce that due to ongoing restrictions and risks over Covid-19, our MNS Hornbill Volunteer Programme involving the Orang Asli community in Belum-Temengor, which was due to run in August and September, has been cancelled for 2020.

However, the plain-pouched hornbill count, which goes towards our long-term MNS Hornbill Conservation Programme, will proceed with our MNS Orang Asli Hornbill Guardians of Belum-Temengor, with SOPs and great care taken to ensure their continued health and safety.

We are very grateful for the interest expressed by our hornbill fans in this programme, and the Orang Asli community (especially the children) will surely miss your fun and educational presence in their little corner of Belum-Temengor. If you wish to support the project and MNS’s cause within the landscape, you can donate through:

The Malaysian Nature Society

CIMB Account: 8000832963

(you can request a tax exemption slip by emailing proof of payment to

Thank you again for supporting MNS’s work in Belum-Temengor, for the forest, the wildlife, and the Orang Asli, and we hope to see you when things get better.

For more information on the MNS Hornbill Volunteer Programme, do visit