Asian Waterbird Census Workshop 2020 Edition

Waterbirds are importance indicator of wetland’s health. Do you know that, in every January, thousands of volunteers across Asia and Australasia come together to count the waterbirds in wetlands of their country for conservation of the waterbirds? We would like to invite you to join us in this workshop to learn more about Asian Waterbird Census (AWC). Together with us, there are three panelists with different expertise in waterbird conservation to share their experience and show us what we can do in AWC.  This seminar is free and open-to-all. Join us in this exciting opportunity to find out what we can do for waterbird conservation! Scan the QR code in the poster to register the webinar or visit #mns #malaysiannaturesociety #EAAFlyway #BirdLife #citizenscience #Malaysia #volunteer #volunteering #wetland #waterbird |