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Asian Waterbird Census (AWC) Malaysia Seminar 2021

The Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) is organizing the first Virtual Asian Waterbird Census (AWC) Malaysia Seminar on 15th August 2021 (Sunday), 2 – 5 pm. The main objectives of this seminar are to share the results of the census from each state; to discuss the challenges, opportunities, as well as the way forward for conducting the annual census in Malaysia.

We are here to invite you to participate in this virtual seminar. Kindly please click the button below and share the zoom meeting link for registration.

What is AWC?

Asian Waterbird Census (AWC) is conducted once a year, during the 2nd and 3rd week of January. Information is gathered on standardized forms by volunteer counters. Waterbirds are useful indicators of the conservation status and health of wetland habitats. Thus, the results of the census and associated information are widely used to promote regional and national waterbird and wetland conservation initiatives. These include the identification of internationally important wetlands under the Ramsar Convention and as support for the development of draft agreement on the conservation of migratory waterbirds.

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