Asia Pacific Forest Governance Forum (27th – 30th September 2021; online)

Dear all,
Join us for the Asia Pacific’s first ever Forest Governance Forum.
We are very pleased to announce that BirdLife International with University of Wolverhampton, CIDT are organising a Forest Governance Forum to be held online from 27th – 30th September 2021.
There are over 154 million hectares of Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) throughout Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, and the Philippines. However, these forests, and forests around the globe, are in trouble. Human populations are growing rapidly. Farmland is expanding and clearing vast swathes of forest, and illegal logging is a huge threat.
Forest Governance Forums are ‘Chatham House’ type meetings held in timber producing countries to allow for effective exchange of information, dialogue and interaction amongst stakeholders.
This is the twelfth Forum in the series and it intends to achieve the following:
- Showcase achievements, expertise and experience
- Influence policy makers and government
- Provide a platform, space and voice for non-state actors
Join us at 0800 (UK time) daily on 27th till the 30th September for stimulating discussions. Session duration: 2 hours.
Find out more about each of the sessions (FGF webpage: and register your attendance by clicking on the link