A New Year’s Message from Our President




Dear members,

The old year has eclipsed behind us and the beginning of a new year has just begun. Vide the short video above I would like to take this opportunity to wish all members and the management and staff a very happy new year.

This is the time we reflect on ourselves as members of the oldest and largest membership-based conservation NGO in Malaysia. The Council will take stock of how the year went and assess where we have been, how well we did and more importantly where we plan to go from here.

At 78 years young this year MNS has remained relevant in its continuous pursuit to fulfill the mission and vision statements which are still relevant to this day, maybe even more so. Thanks to the farsightedness of our founders and pioneering members.

Appended below are some of the key projects and/or activities undertaken by the society in 2017, most recent listed first.

  • MY Forest Launch, the Malaysian implementation of the project ‘Strengthening Non-state actors Involvement in Forest Governance’ in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Papua New Guinea. For more information of this project please visit myforestwatch.com.my. https://www.facebook.com/mnsforest/
  • Media statement by the president, Stop Wildlife Roadkills Now’ in a concerted effort to bring the grave concern of the society of the increase in the number of wildlife roadkills throughout the country with a call for action. The minister of the NRE responded with a press statement that he will be calling a meeting with other ministries to find solutions to this long outstanding issue. MNS hope to be invited to the meeting and to provide counsel to the authorities.
  • A special 2017 edition of the MNJ was launched. It encapsulates MNS rich history from the society’s inception in 1940. A good collector item. Selling Price: RM 90.
  • Young Environmental Research Grant 2017. The 2nd in the series is now open for qualified applications from students.
  • Pencinta Alam the Newsletter started by Selangor Branch which became a national newsletter reporting on all the monthly activities of the 14 branches. In recent times activities carried out by the branches have increased in both numbers and frequency as well. This is a positive sign.


  • Some key projects undertaken by the Secretariat in 2017 are as follows:
  • Sunbear rehabilitation programme supported by FGV with community involvement
  • Tapir project with UPM
  • Water vision project funded by the Coca-Cola company
  • Water for Life project funded by Petronas Dagangan Bhd
  • Hornbill project in Belum Temenggor. MNS together with Birdlife Partners in Indonesia lobbied the IUCN and gained justification for the relisting of the Helmeted hornbill to that of a critically endangered species in the Red Data List.
  •    Many more on-going projects and activities could be accessed by visiting the website at mns.org.my

I would like to thank the Council members for their contributions of time and resources to help steer the society, the BOT members for their strong support and dedication beyond the TOR, the EXCO for monitoring and ensuring that the society is on track month on month, the ED and all management and staff of the Secretariat for working to the task and last but not the least YOU members of MNS for your support in many ways which has helped the society stand proud. In the same token, more interactions between all branches is strongly encouraged. It’s through regular collaborations on official and social activities that the members will gain a better understanding, develop friendships, share and acquire new knowledge. And through all these develop an enhanced appreciation and understanding of the strategic direction of your society in the challenging years ahead.

MNS will be working at preparing for its 80th year celebrations in 2020, just 2 years away. More news will be shared as we progress with the planning.

In conclusion, your continued support and belief in your society can only strengthen it further. Thank you.



Henry Goh
